Transmission Repair - ATRA

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Customer Satisfaction Survey

ATRA understands that good customer service is important to each and every one of our customers. We welcome you to complete the following survey about the service you received at our shop to help us continue to provide the service you expect and deserve.
About You
Your Age*:  
About Your Vehicle
Years Owned*:  
About ATRA Shop
How did you initially learn of this shop?*  
Did estimate match final bill?*
If not, were you contacted for additional cost authorization?
Was your vehicle ready when promised?*
Was your vehicle clean when you picked it up?*
Please Choose One For Each Statement
Agree No
Disagree Strongly
I was satisfied with this shop's repairs*:
I was treated with courtesy*:
The shop was neat & clean*:
I would return to this shop for future repairs*:
I would refer friends & family to this shop*: